Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Secret Cinnamon Rolls

Kandice: Hey! I hope that everyone had a good holiday. I know that I did! I got a lot of new cookware that I’m extremely excited about and hopefully I’ll use for upcoming posts.

… Well being that it is Christmas my family has a couple of traditions. Every year one member of the family will bake homemade cinnamon rolls from scratch. And every year, since I was 13 or so, that person has always been me! Now unfortunately this family recipe is a secret so I can’t say how much of an ingredient is in the recipe but I will try to explain what I did the best I can.

Flour                   Eggs
Sugar                   Milk
Salt                       Softened Butter (lots of it too)
Yeast                   Cinnamon

The best thing to remember when creating cinnamon rolls is to knead the dough! The first thing I had to do was to mix the flour, sugar, salt, and yeast. While mixing these ingredients together, in a saucepan I heated the milk and butter. Once the milk is heated, I tempered the eggs into milk and butter.

*** Note: To temper an egg is to slowly mix it into a hot ingredient without cooking the egg. To do this you would have to take a spoonful of the hot ingredient and stir it into the egg one at a time. This will slowly raise the temperature of the egg so that it doesn’t get cooked. ***

These ingredients were then mixed in with the flour mixture. Then it was time to knead the dough for approximately 3 to 5 minutes. This part is always so messy because the dough it extremely sticky. When I made it this year, my entire hand got covered and stuck in dough! I then set out the dough to rise.

Once done I then rolled out the dough and covered it with a cinnamon and sugar. I cut the dough into strips and rolled them into the familiar spiral. Then the cinnamon rolls were placed in a well greased pan and cooked in the oven at 375 degrees for 20 – 25 min. I then used the remainder of the Cream Cheese Icing from Josh’s and my Carrot Cake Cookies to top off the cinnamon rolls. Now enjoy! Something that I challenge you to do is to submit your version of the best cinnamon roll. Josh and I will bake them and test them. Whomever submits the best recipe for cinnamon rolls will be posted on our site. Please submit all entries to jkdailyspecial@gmail.com. And remember to have fun!

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