Hey, all! Josh here. I know, I know, it's been awhile.
Like... a LONG while.
A lot has happened since we last posted. For starters, I moved! I'm living up in Pennsylvania now, and I'm going to Culinary school for Pastry Arts! It's all very exciting! I started at the beginning of November, and I'm almost finished my first term already. I've been in the kitchen 2 days a week at school, and that's about to change to 4 days a week, starting mid February. I'm gonna have so many baked goods at my house. I honestly don't know where I'm going to put all those boxes.
Anyway, Kandice and I have been talking, and we really want to try and start posting more frequently, despite living two and a half hours apart. We talked about alternating posts each week, meaning that I would post one week, and she would post the next. I'm sure we'll talk about it more soon, and hopefully, we can work something out soon!
In the meantime, I'm going to post some of my creations from Pastry school. If you guys want to see all of my pictures, let us know either in the comments, E-mail us at jkdailyspecial@gmail.com, or tell us on our facebook page!
Click to see larger pictures!
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